Meet Lorna Busch

Community Stories
February 29, 2024

Lorna Busch    

  PhD, MEd, MS  

  Journey Clinical Member and KAP Provider   

  State: New Jersey  



Before you joined Journey Clinical, what was your background, expertise + focus on your practice?  

A longstanding interest in the mind-body-spirit connection shaped my desire to bring a more holistic approach to healing and wellness in which I had been collaborating with other practitioners to form a wellness center that provides a variety of services (psychotherapy, functional nutrition, IV vitamin therapy, massage, yoga, infrared saunas, energy and sound healing, etc.). After working in various clinical settings, I created a more peaceful healing space inspired by nature for my private practice, Mind Trove LLC, where I have been treating adults primarily suffering from depression, anxiety, or PTSD.  I was continually learning new approaches to treatment and always had a strong interest in indigenous healing practices.  I gained formal training on psychedelic assisted psychotherapy through organizations such as Fluence and the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI), and offered psychedelic integration and harm reduction within my practice, before joining Journey Clinical. 

Why did you want to incorporate KAP into your practice/why did you become a member of Journey Clinical? 

KAP fits into my holistic approach of getting to the root of mental health issues rather than merely providing tools to manage symptoms. I find that KAP helps people access and process trauma in ways that allow them to integrate and heal at a deep level.  I was also noticing an increasing number of incoming clients/patients self-identifying as “treatment resistant” because they have had limited or short-term relief using various mainstream treatments. I wanted to be able to offer them something different that has a growing evidence base.

How has Journey Clinical helped you become a better psychotherapist/improve patient outcomes? 

I have access to a lot more resources to include other clinicians with whom to share information and support one another as we expand our KAP practices.  Patient outcomes are improved through the highly collaborative approach with the prescriber, which allows us to customize treatment for each client/patient.  

How are you using the Journey Clinical platform in your practice today?  

Many ways – I refer clients/patients for a consultation with a prescriber if they are seeking and appear to be a good candidate for KAP.   Not only do I use the platform for direct patient/client care, but also connect with other KAP therapists, access resources through Journey’s member portal, and obtain discounts on training opportunities pertaining to psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.

What element of the Journey Clinical telehealth/tech platform is most useful in your practice today? 

The high level of collaboration with the Journey Clinical team that allows for personalized care for each client/patient, as well as the member portal that is a one-stop place for resources and collaboration.

How many patients have you referred to Journey Clinical/currently work with you via KAP? 

I have referred over 10 patients to Journey Clinical.  (I think it’s 11, but I need to double check the exact number).

How is Journey Clinical helping you expand/grow your practice + what are you hoping to achieve in the next 5 years with Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy? 

JC is helping me to expand my practice by supporting virtual and group models that make this treatment more accessible and affordable as my waitlist keeps growing. Potential clients/patients have contacted me from other cities in Western and upstate NY given the scarcity of (trained) KAP providers in this region. It is not practical for them to drive hours to get their treatment.

Within the next 5 years, I hope to grow the wellness center and offer an increasing number of group KAP sessions. I am currently in the process of starting up a second location in the Finger Lakes region so that people can experience their healing journeys/KAP in a retreat-like setting. Ultimately, I aim to create a peaceful sanctuary where people can engage in meditation and connect with the natural world before and after their KAP sessions. Having people step outside their usual day-to-day lives for an extended period of time helps them maximize the benefits of the window of increased neuroplasticity.  

Do you have a patient success story that you would be able to share (omitting personal information)?

My clients/patients have had significant breakthroughs in their therapeutic process, and so far all have reported improvement using this form of treatment. One was able to access some deep-seated repressed childhood trauma to process emotionally and integrate in a way that has led to markedly reduced symptoms. Another has found relief from depression after years of trying various antidepressants.

About Lorna 

Lorna Busch runs a holistic-based practice out of New York state, offering psychotherapy and ketamine assisted psychotherapy and incorporating elements of attachment (psychodynamic) theories, newer versions of cognitive behavioral therapies including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), as well as existential therapies and contemplative practices for those working on spiritual growth. You can connect with her via her Psychology Today profile or website.